A “Little Grace” in a Big World

Riding home from the hospital after visiting her new baby brother, Grace was so excited, she couldn’t quit talking! She would have a new baby at her house for Christmas! He was so little and she wanted to be a good big sister. She missed mommy and daddy but she knew they had to stay at the hospital. Aunt Laney was fun though and she let Grace eat cookies and drink hot chocolate and took her to see Santa!
She looked out the window as her aunt drove her home, and was wide eyed to see snowflakes barely coming down in the cold December air. She loved snow. Maybe Aunt Laney would let her play in it! There were sparkly lights on all the houses she passed and cars filling the store parking lots.
As her aunt passed a church, Grace saw a Nativity scene with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Aunt Laney could tell she was about to get hit with another “four year old” question as she looked in the rear view mirror to see Grace’s forehead crease in thought as she pursed her lips.
“Aunt Laney?” Grace asked.
“Yes, Grace?” Laney replied.
“Where’s the Line to see Jesus?” Grace asked with all the seriousness a four year old can muster.
“What sweetie?” Laney thought she had misunderstood.
“Where’s the line to see Jesus?”
“Don’t you mean Santa?”
“No, Santa is at the store where all those cars are parked, but Jesus is outside in that manger and there’s no line to see him. Isn’t Christmastime His birthday?”
“Well, yes sweetie, but…”
“Well, there’s no line and he looked cold. Can I take him my blanket?”
As tears trickled down her face, Laney cleared her throat so she could speak.
“You know Grace, you’re right. There should be a line. Are you sure you want to give him your favorite blanket?”
“Aunt Laney, mommy told me Jesus was born for me and came so I could have life in Heaven one day if I believe in Him …and he’s a King, so don’t you think he needs a special blanket?”
Laney couldn’t help but smile at the wisdom of this child. “I sure do, Grace!” she said.
As they drove in to the lot of the church, Laney put on Grace’s little coat. She climbed out of her car seat and tugged her blankie out behind her. Aunt Laney grabbed her hand and they walked over to the live nativity scene.
Laney talked to “Mary” who smiled as she looked down at Grace. She knelt down to Grace’s level and helped Grace wrap her blanket around “Baby Jesus”.
By this time, onlookers from the main road were starting to pull in and get out of their cars. Small children with their parents, teenagers out on the town, college students back home for Christmas, even grandparents came to see what was happening at this church on this cold winter night.
Before they knew it, a line had formed and they were standing there praising and worshipping their King.
“Aunt Laney?” Grace asked as she tugged her aunt’s arm.
“Yes, sweetie?” said Laney.
“Now there’s a line to see Jesus!” Grace exclaimed.
“There sure is sweetheart!” Laney smiled.
“Aunt Laney?” Grace asked sweetly.
“Yes, Grace?” Laney replied.
“I liked sitting on Santa’s lap but this is even better!” Grace whispered in her aunt’s ear.
Laney smiled as she wiped her eyes, “I think so too Grace!”
As she looked around at the faces of young and old, many with tears flowing, she realized the difference one person can make.
One four year old who had a heart for Jesus, brought a community together and made them stop to realize what was truly important.
“Where is the line to see Jesus?”
Where will we make it this year?
Will they line up behind you? Will you be at the front?
Look what a difference even a “little Grace” can make in a big world!
Merry Christmas!!!


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